Greyome set that I don’t want to forget: Ants Marching Seven Satellite Don’t Drink the Water Rooftop Squirm Crash Grey St Belly Belly You & Me Dave says ‘quokkas are dumb like chickens’ What Would You Say Funny The Way It Is The Space Between So Much To Say Anyone Seen The Bridge Dave says… Continue reading Dave Matthews Band Perth April 13th 2014
Setting up Varnish for Drupal on CentOS 6
Varnish has an offical repository so let’s add it to Yum as outlined on sudo rpm –nosignature -i sudo yum install varnish Set Varnish to start on system boot sudo chkconfig varnish on Setup DAEMON_OPTS in /etc/sysconfig/varnish, something like below. It will be commented out by default: DAEMON_OPTS=”-a :80 \ -T localhost:8080 \ -u varnish -g… Continue reading Setting up Varnish for Drupal on CentOS 6
Setting up memcached with Drupal 7 on Centos 6
Firstly get access to RPMForge repositories. Next install memcached: sudo yum install memcached sudo service memcached start memcached -h Check memcache stats: echo “stats settings” | nc localhost 11211 watch “echo stats | nc 11211” Configure memcache: sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/memcached Configuration details for memcache can be found here Install the PECL memcached extension for… Continue reading Setting up memcached with Drupal 7 on Centos 6
Installing RPMForge repositories on CentOS
By default CentOS Yum has a pretty poor selection of packages compared to something like Debian. So it can be a good idea to add RPMForge to get access to more up to date packages. cat /etc/redhat-release uname -a Now choose the appropriate repository for the CentOs version and architecture: Install the repo: wget… Continue reading Installing RPMForge repositories on CentOS
Regenerating Path Aliases Programatically in Drupal 7
It should look something like this: /** * Update path aliases for taxonomy terms and nodes. */ function gateway_controller_update_7057() { module_load_include(‘inc’, ‘pathauto’); module_load_include(‘inc’, ‘pathauto.pathauto’); // Delete the existing node aliases. db_delete(‘url_alias’) ->condition(‘source’, ‘node/%’, ‘LIKE’) ->execute(); // Regenerate the node aliases. $nids = db_query(“SELECT nid FROM {node}”)->fetchCol(); pathauto_node_update_alias_multiple($nids, ‘bulkupdate’); // Delete the topics taxonomy aliases. db_delete(‘url_alias’)… Continue reading Regenerating Path Aliases Programatically in Drupal 7