Apt can’t see sources? Try changing the User Agent

If you are trying to use apt behind a corporate firewall, try changing the user agent apt is using with wget to load the package lists. By default it uses: User-Agent: Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 which isn’t recognised by the filter. 1. Create and edit /etc/apt/apt.conf sudo vi /etc/apt/apt.conf 2. Paste the following into the file: Acquire… Continue reading Apt can’t see sources? Try changing the User Agent

Setting up Rasbmc (XBMC) on a Raspberry Pi

This is a cheap way to get a high quality and flexible media center sitting under (or in my case, behind) your TV. RaspBMC From Windows: Download the installer Insert your SD card into the computer. Unzip and run the raspbmc-win32 installer. Once that is done, stick the card into the Pi and give it… Continue reading Setting up Rasbmc (XBMC) on a Raspberry Pi